GDPR Module for Magento 2
This module aims to set Magento 2 GDPR ready and compliant.
It allows the customers to delete, and/or anonymize, and/or export their personal data.
- A privacy disclosure page and blocks are mandatory
Right to be forgotten:
As a merchant:
- I can decide what entity should remain and be anonymized, and what should be deleted
Registered Customer erasure rule:
Guest Customer erasure rule:
Entities anonymisation rules:
Customer entity anonymisation rule:
As a guest customer:
- I can request the removal of the personal data on the order view
As a registered customer:
- I can request the removal of the personal data on the account view
Automatic process
- Personal data are removed automatically after they have reach their end of life period. However the sales data related to the personal data are kept until they have reach their own life time period. (Sales data can be preserved longer than personal data for financial and accountancy reasons)
Right to data portability
As a merchant:
- I can decide what entities and their attributes are exported
Entities export rules:
Customer entity export rule:
As a registered customer:
Request a data portability
Download the archive
Cookie Disclosure
As a merchant:
- I can decide what to show
As a visitor:
GDPR Actions Notification
As a merchant:
- I can override the templates
Notification of an erasure:
Notification of a pending erasure:
Notification of data portability request:
GDPR Log Actions
As a merchant:
- I can review all performed actions related to GDPR actions, such as ask for removal, ask for data portability…